June 21st, 2022
Penta Infra and ScaleUp celebrate opening event in Berlin
On 14 June 2022, Penta Infra and ScaleUp Technologies hosted an opening event, celebrating the opening of ScaleUp's third data center in Berlin. The sustainable Penta Infra data center facility in Berlin-Mahlsdorf houses the new ScaleUp BER3 location.
The opening speeches by Alex Bakker (CEO Penta Infra) and Christoph Streit (CEO ScaleUp), welcoming the more than 100 participants, were followed by presentations centered around two major themes: the sustainable data center and Berlin as an IT location — both of key importance to Penta Infra.
Speakers at this event: Max Schulze (SDIA), Stefan Frenzel (OCP Foundation), Michael Pemp (Berlin Senate for Economics, Energy and Operations), Christian Kröger (BCIX), Patrick Scheel (Cloudical) and Karl Rabe (WoodenDataCenter).