11. maj 2023
Vi har udvidet og moderniseret vores datacenter i København. Det bringer vores samlede kapacitet op på 2MW og omfatter en opgradering af vores varmepumpekapacitet, så vi kan sende al vores varmeoverskud videre til det offentlige fjernvarmenet i Albertslund. Med den nye infrastruktur levere vi fjernvarmekapacitet svarende til opvarmningsbehovet for ca. 1.500 husstande.
Receptionen og programmet finder sted fra 14:00 til 16:00 og omfatter:
- Præsentation af vores nye infrastruktur og vækststrategi
- Præsentation af vores prisbelønnede bæredygtige infrastruktur med mulighed for rundtur i dele af vores datacenter.
- Digital Koncert 'Sounds from the Cloud', optaget i vores datacenter og præsenteret af lydkunstner Morten Poulsen
- Lidt mad og drikke samt ikke mindst mulighed for at mødes med datacenterspecialister og branchekolleger
Det vil glæde os at se dig til denne reception! Meld venligst din deltagelse her, da registrering er nødvendigt, for at vi kan administrere planlægningen og adgangen til datacenteret.
Tid 11 maj 2023
14:00 — 16:00 -
Sted Penta Infra Copenhagen
Smedeland 32, Glostrup
11 May 2023
Opening reception
We would like to invite you to celebrate the opening of our Copenhagen data center expansion with us. The expansion brings our total capacity to 2MW and includes an upgrade of our heat pump capacity. This allows us to redistribute the heat generated by our data center to the public district heating grid of Albertslund, providing heat equal to the heating needs of 1,500 residential households.
The reception and programme take place from 14:00 to 16:00 and include:
- Presentation of our buildout and strategy
- Roundtrip and presentation of our award-winning sustainable infrastructure
- 'Sounds from the Cloud', recorded at our data center and presented by sound artist Morten Poulsen
- Light food and drinks and the opportunity to meet with data center specialists and industry peers
We look forward to you joining our opening reception! We kindly ask you to register, as this is needed for us to manage planning and access to the data center.
When? 11 May 2023
14:00 — 16:00 -
Where? Penta Infra Copenhagen
Smedeland 32, Glostrup
- 14:00 Start
- 15:00 Welcome and introduction to Penta Infra's award-winning heat reuse initiative
- 15:20 Performance 'Sounds of the data center' by sound artist Morten Poulsen
- 16:00 End
Acquired in 2021, we've expanded and upgraded our Copenhagen data center to fully meet modern connectivity and sustainability standards.
Sound artist Morten Poulsen: “By creating and nurturing spaces and situations where listening can take place, I explore relationships and allow the listener to become aware of their own role in the soundscape.”